Each instructor is an expert in the subject area that they teach. Many have advanced degrees, teach at other reputable colleges, and/or provide education in the cannabis industry in the form of speaking engagements across the United States. We would not be able to provide you with this material if it were not for our great teachers. Thank you to all!

Sarah Trent, Esq.

CEO, Valley Wellness and Founder New Jersey Cannabis Certified

Seth R. Tipton, Esq.

Partner, Florio Perrucci Steinhardt Cappelli Tipton & Taylor LLC

Tim Weigand, PMP

Operations, Valley wellness

Dr. Thomas Gianfagna

Department of Plant Biology Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Ally Verello

Cannabis Consultant

Dr. Jahan Marcu, PhD

Endocannabinoid Researcher and Founding Partner at Marcu & Arora


Dr. Alan AO RPh

Founder, Plants and Prescriptions

Kristen Goedde

Founder, Trichome Analytical

Bianca Schnarr

Cannabis Cultivation Consultant

Patricia Walker

Manager, Valley wellness and Moderator of New Jersey Cannabis Certified

Contact Us

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